Entertainment Earth


NYCC 2017: The Best of Friday's Cosplays Pt. 1

Friday was, quite honestly, my favorite day at this year's New York Comic Con. Partly, because I debuted my Logan cosplay. But, that is for another post. In this one, I am going to highlight some of my favorite cosplays of this day.
My friend Rachel and her boyfriend
 A truly fucking excellent cosplay of one of the coolest looking Hellboy characters!

This next cosplayer (below) sat with her Annabelle doll and moved her head along with it. It made for one of the creepiest and coolest cosplays, that I saw all four days! Truly amazing! 

Wonder Woman was, not surprisingly, the most popular cosplay this year. Thanks, in large part, to the excellent movie. The lovely lady below was just one of my favorite cosplays that I saw of the iconic character, this year.
 Pennywise was pretty popular, as well. But, the above may have the best of them all!
There were a ton of Ricks, from "Rick and Morty", but very few Morties, at this year's Comic Con. Thankfully, this duo corrected that. And, did it awesomely, might I add!

As I mentioned at the start of this article, I was cosplaying as Logan on this day. The Deadpool Nova (bottom pic, far right), said, "Logan is alive!" when he saw me! It made me laugh. Also, how fucking cool, is this Nova group cosplay?!
The Hound and his Hound Fried Chicken (HFC)! How fucking cool and hilarious is this?! Love it!
"Goddamn!" Noob-Noob is here!
 Might be the best Randy "Macho Man" Savage, ever!
 Holy shit! Han Solo is absolutely gorgeous! NOTE: that is a sentence I never thought I would type!
Parenting done right!

To be continued!

NYCC 2017: Thurs